Vaults and deposits
What we store
Concierge storage
The collective vault provides an easy and convenient solution of concierge storage for depositing even a single asset amongst a vast range of valuable objects such as works of art, antiques, design works, furniture but also high fashion items, carpets and textiles in general.
It represents the ideal option for those who, rather than using a private storage room, prefer the commodity of entrusting their assets to our staff specialized in all the phases linked to internal transport through to depositing.
It is equipped with an extensive painting collection area and structures suitable for every type of artwork. The system of package sealing completes the service, guaranteeing the safety and integrity of the deposited goods at all times.
The assets can be transferred to our vaults by the Clients themselves, using their own means or transporters. Alternatively, Open Care offers an integrated service of transport and deposit, the House-Vault service that guarantees every assistance to the Client in packing, moving and storing without having to leave their homes.
The House-Vault service effectively offers a complete package of management and deposit for clients’ precious objects:
- • dismantling and packaging of works
- • sealing of packages
- • transport to our vaults with nail to nail insurance cover
- • placement in the art gallery or a specific warehouse
- • subsequent home delivery or reassembly on request
- • possibility of using the Art Collection Management services: cataloging and inventory, valuation, loan management and consultancy on conservation conditions
tel. 02 73981